Railway Vehicles

GMT will keep your vehicles on track

When trains, trams and subway vehicles are purchased, maintenance and overhaul are important drivers for ‘Cost of Ownership’ and ‘Cost of Operation’. Since decades GMT delivers innovative solutions for railway vehicles. For railway vehicles GMT’s focus is mainly on the primary and secondary suspension of the bogies. To keep the vehicles in optimal condition, it is important to have a clear view on the condition of the rubber - metal parts. By supporting periodic, scheduled inspections, we can give a clear insight in the timing for replacement of the parts. By supporting our customers proactively, we can prevent unforeseen cost and contribute to a higher availability of your vehicles.

Thinking about a sustainable future
Together with our customers we build sustainable solutions which save costs on short term as well as in the long run. In addition, we want to contribute to the comfort for the users of the vehicles and their environment. When vehicles are in good condition, the equipment has less wear and tear. The users and their environment will be less impacted by vibrations and noise.

Tailored advice

We work closely together with OEM manufacturer Gummi Metall Technik GmbH. Together we have over 50 years’ experience in rubber-metal parts for railway vehicles. Our products and services are mainly focused on the bogies, in addition we also deliver solutions for other railway vehicles parts. We can be your partner in the design phase for new railway vehicles and for maintenance and overhaul. We can support you with the improvement of existing rubber-metal parts and the maintenance and overhaul of rolling stock.

Specific solutions

For railway vehicles we deliver specific solutions to optimize the performance of the bogie. In our product overview for all categories, you can download a datasheet with all details and specifications.

How can we help you?

For many vibration challenges we offer solutions with our standard vibration damper portfolio. Are you looking for a specific damper, please contact us. Are you still looking for the root cause of your vibration problem or you don’t know which vibration damper can solve the problem? Please contact us directly for expert support and non-binding advice.

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